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Public consultation event at Craiova University

On February 23rd, 2024, Alina Reșceanu (University of Craiova) participated at a public consultation event organised by Dincolo de Azi Association on the topic of youth engagement, entitled “We build together. Dialogue for education, health, environment, and social inclusion”, during which she presented the contribution of Mindchangers to the topic.

The event, held in partnership with The Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation, as part of the project DOORS – Organizational Development of Romanian NGOs for Sustainability, gave participants the opportunity to voice their opinions on active participation and volunteering. On this occasion, King Michael I Aula of the University of Craiova welcomed young people, educators, and representatives of local authorities, civil society organisations and private companies, and provided an open floor for presentations of key findings in local projects, questions and suggestions, interactive dialogue and productive networking. The aim was to identify new challenges and problems the young people are confronted with and to mediate a dialogue between them and decision-makers at local level.

More information about this event can be found at  and