JCI Craiova organized a raising awareness campaign as part of their project CleanUp Craiova implemented in Dolj County.
This campaign included, among others, an eco-responsibility workshop that took place on April, 3rd at “Elena Cuza” National College, where representatives of the association interacted with students on topics related to the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
The workshop also included a session of questions and answers led by the invited speaker Tana Foarfa, Director of Europuls and policy advisor at the European Parliament. The discussion was centered on questions such as: What is the European Union and how does it work? What are its institutions? What rights and obligations do we have as European citizens and how can we contribute to decisions taken at EU level? How can we, as European citizens, hold those who take decisions at EU level accountable? Which are the main European Parliamentary parties?
More than 100 young people took part in the event and learned about how decisions are made at European level, what it is like to work in a European institution and why all of us must be concerned about what happens in Brussels. More info about the activities can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/jcicraiova/
KNOW before ACT