Nowadays, and especially since 2020, we have no choice but to learn how to cope with chaotic changes, be they climatic, economic or social. Knowing how to live with uncertainty would be an essential skill to get through our times. In response to this unprecedented situation, ‘Feu sur la banquise!’ invites 16 young people to meet those who, today, continue to hope, seek, imagine, cross, support, protect, build, understand or experiment. With the help of experts, these young people will be invited to produce several podcasts based on their own doubts and hopes. Like the penguin that has no choice but to find solutions to adapt to a dramatically shrinking territory, the youths will look for the most accurate and powerful tone together to talk about life, our times and what is worth trying when the icecap is melting down.
The project is coordinated by Graines de soi ASBL